All posts by bryan

Branding Event

The Brief is an art director’s event that is happening tomorrow night:

The Brief is a student design competition simulating a late night at an ad agency. A design brief will be developed by Jay Roth, a Sr. Copywriter and ADCD Chairman, for our beneficiary client DAVA, a local arts-education non-profit focused on serving underprivileged youth. Intercollegiate teams of four students (a Senior, Juniors and a Sophomore or Freshman) will be directed by senior creatives from the local design and advertising community through three hours of pencil and paper concepting and digital execution culminating in a client presentation.

The Brief is open to design and advertising students at all levels. Each team will have minimum one laptop (not required to participate) with the focus on traditional concepting – thumbnail-sketches and mind-maps followed by digital roughs. In addition to receiving valuable real world experience, and networking opportunities with local professionals and with each other, student winners will receive scholarship money.

Unity 3 is launched

Unity has finally launched version 3 of their program. I’ve been beta testing it for a few months now and they have added a lot of really nice functionality. I’m not crazy about the new War-oriented demo, but if you can get past the impending violence aspect, it does demonstrate a lot of the technical capabilities, such as better real time performance, shadows etc. It CAN in fact still make non-war games 🙂